Macross Frontier Series - Statuette...
Statuette Macross Frontier Series FIGURIZMa Ranka Lee Labyrinth of Time Ver. 17 cm.
Statuette Macross Frontier Series FIGURIZMa Ranka Lee Labyrinth of Time Ver. 17 cm.
Statuette Macross Frontier Series FIGURIZMa Sheryl Nome Labyrinth of Time Ver. 19 cm.
Maquette 1/20 Macross Delta, modèle PLAMAX MF-69 Minimum Factory Mirage Farina Jenius 9 cm.
Statuette Macross 7, modèle Fire Bomber Live Stage 23 cm.
Véhicule Macross 7 avec figurine Tiny Session VF-19 Custom Fire Valkyrie avec Basara Nekki 11 cm.
Statuette Macross Frontier Series, modèle FIGURIZMa Sheryl Nome Oshare Revolution Ver. 19 cm.
Statuette Macross Frontier Series, modèle FIGURIZMa Ranka Lee Oshare Revolution Ver. 17 cm.
Statuette Macross Frontier, modèle SHIBUYA SCRAMBLE FIGURE 1/7 Ranka Lee Amaterasu Ver. 29 cm.
Statuette 1/7 Macross Frontier, modèle Ranka Lee Anniversary Stage Ver. 31 cm.