Persona 5: The Animation - Statuette...
Statuette Persona 5: The Animation Pop Up Parade Joker (3rd-run) 17 cm.
Statuette Persona 5: The Animation Pop Up Parade Joker (3rd-run) 17 cm.
Statuette Persona 5 the Animation Pop Up Parade Oracle 17 cm (re-run).
Statuette ARTFXJ 1/8 Persona 5 Dancing Star Night, modèle Hero & Morgana 25 cm.
Statuette 1/7 Persona 5, modèle Royal Haru Okumura Phantom Thief Ver. (Reproduction) 23 cm.
Statuette 1/7 Persona 5, modèle Anne Takamaki Phantom Thief Ver. 20 cm.
Statuette 1/7 Persona 5 The Royal, modèle Kasumi Yoshizawa Phantom Thief Ver. 25 cm.
Statuette Persona 5, modèle Sadayo Kawakami 25 cm.
Statuette 1/8 Persona 4 The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena, modèle Elizabeth (Reproduction) 23 cm.
Statuette Persona 5 Royal, modèle 1/7 Kasumi Yoshizawa 26 cm.